A rare and unique way to do something different, use it on your own risk! Show Sample Output
Don't abuse sudo command! Use superuser as it is supposed to be.
The 30 means start extracting frames from 30 seconds into the video. The 3 means extract the next 3 seconds from that point. The fps can be adjusted based on your preferences. The 320 is the width of the gif, the height will be calculated automatically. input.mp4 is the video file, which can be any video file ffmpeg supports. The output.gif is the gif created.
This begins recursively looking at dot files starting from "./path_to_dir". Then it prints out the names of those files. If you are satisfied with the list of files discovered then you can delete them like so `find ./path_to_dir -type f -name '.*' -exec rm '{}' \;` which executes the removal program against each of those names previously printed. This is useful when you want to remove thumbnail files on Mac OSX/Windows or simply want to reset an app's configuration on Linux.
Create a 7zip archive named "some_directory.7z" and adds to it the directory "some_directory". The `-mhe=on` is for header encryption, basically it mangles the file names so no one knows whats inside the 7z. If -mhe=on wasn't included, then a person without the password would still be able to view the file names inside the 7z. Having this option ensures confidentiality. To ensure the result is small use lzma2, level 9 compression. Lzma2 fast bytes range from 5 to 272, the higher the number the more aggressive it is at finding repetitive bytes that can be added to the dictionary. Here the fast bytes are set to 64 bytes and the dictionary is 32 MB. Depending on your purposes (the directory size and desired file size), you can be more aggressive with these values. Lastly, `-ms=on` just says concatenate all the individual files and treat them as a singular file when compressing. This leads to a higher compression ratio generally.
Other solutions that involve doing
du -sx /*
are incomplete because they will still descend other top-level filesystems are that mounted directly at "/" because the * expands to explicitly include all files and directories in "/", and du will still traverse them even with -x because you asked it to by supplying the directory name as a parameter (indirectly via "*").
Show Sample Output
`shuf` generate random permutations. `-i`, `--input-range=LO-HI` and `-n`, `--head-count=COUNT` output at most COUNT lines Show Sample Output
A recursive version might be useful too. /dev/tty is used to show which shell variables just got defined. Show Sample Output
When you use the "exit" command in a Linux terminal window, it not only closes the terminal window itself but also the terminal emulator app, such as GNOME Terminal or Konsole, that it belongs to. If you use the "exit" command on macOS, however, Terminal.app still shows a dot below its Dock icon and is still running in the background. This alias, when entered into ~/.zshrc, overrides this behavior.
Requires bpm-tools https://www.pogo.org.uk/~mark/bpm-tools/ Show Sample Output
Because this does not download more of the video than necessary, it is faster (especially with long videos).
Show temp of all disk with the drivetemp module activate Show Sample Output
Command that clears the expiration restrictions of a user's password Show Sample Output
This command monitors changes in the current folder structure (subfolders included) and files, and log it into a hidden file in the same folder, called `.file_changes_YYMMDD.log`. Modify the `--exclude` parameters to define what should be skipped. Show Sample Output
The platform-agnostic version of https://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/25276/compute-newest-kernel-version-from-makefile-on-torvalds-git-repository because macOS doesn't have wget installed
If you as the sole user of a computer at home only don’t like needing to repeatedly type a password each time you run a command, using ‘NOPASSWD’ in sudoers for your specific username is for you.
Searches for dates on lines by themselves. Uses that date to prepend all rows that contain SEARCHSTRING with the date, until it reaches another line with a date by itself. This fixed an issue with a specific log export where there would be a date, followed by all of the entries for that date.
Print the max wattage of the current power draw source for a Mac. Note that the current amount of watts drawn may be lower, particularly if a high-wattage adapter is plugged into a Mac that has a full battery. Show Sample Output
The effect is achieved by moving odd-numbered lines from right to left and even-numbered lines from left to right. For odd-numbered lines (with an index j), the ((j + i) % 2 == 0) condition is satisfied. In this case, the line width is set to i, resulting in the line moving from left to right. For even-numbered lines, the ((j + i) % 2 == 0) condition is not satisfied. The line width is set to $(tput cols) - i, causing the line to move from right to left. This alternating direction of movement creates a twisted visual effect as the lines appear to move in opposite directions. The code runs in a continuous loop, repeatedly updating the lines with changing background colors. There is a slight pause of 0.05 seconds between each iteration to control the speed of the animation.
This one-liner fills the screen with randomly colored lines.
A quick alias to check if a domain is already registered or if it's available for purchase. Show Sample Output
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