Assuming we have a disk image, created by dd if=/dev/sda of=image.dd we can check the image's partition layout with fdisk -ul image.dd, then substitute "x" with starting sector of the partition we want to mount. This example assumes that the disk uses 512Byte sectors
mtop allows you to monitor the operation of a MySQL application in real time. See, among the high, the number of queries performed per second, slower queries, the number of active processes. To install on Ubuntu sudo apt-get-y install mtop
The command line can be accessed by using the cmd command which will open a command window with a DOS interface. The command line is a throw back to the early days of computing before there was a Windows interface. Show Sample Output
then xinput set-prop 13 "Device Enabled" 0 how to disable touchpad, and xinput set-prop 13 "Device Enabled" 1 how to enable again "intelligenti pauca" Show Sample Output
The following command finds all the files not modified in the last 5 days under /protocollo/paflow directory and creates an archive files under /var/dump-protocollo in the format of ddmmyyyy_archive.tar
Please be careful while executing the following command as you don?t want to delete the files by mistake. The best practice is to execute the same command with ls ?l to make sure you know which files will get deleted when you execute the command with rm.
No comment... it's easy! Using the VBoxManage list and the switch 'hdds' or 'dvds' you can show the list of hard disks and DVD registered on the system.
No comment: it's easy!
If you want to know what OS are supported on "guest" machines on the Sun VirtualBox server.
where "cicciobox" is the name of your virtual machine in a Sun VirtualBox server
How to show the system properties of a Sun VirtualBox server
ethtool is used for querying settings of an ethernet device and changing them. In this example I setup 100 Mb/s full duplex on my Linux Box
the command is obvious, I know, but maybe not everyone knows that using the parameter "-l" you can limit the use of bandwidth command scp. In this example fetch all files from the directory zutaniddu and I copy them locally using only 10 Kbs
edit the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file and try to work whit this: -A INPUT -i (interface) -m mac (mac address) -j ACCEPT/DROP
Instead, install apt-get install secure-delete and you can use: -- srm to delete file and directory on hard disk -- smem to delete file in RAM -- sfill to delete "free space" on hard disk -- sswap to delete all data from swap
Check the ssh_config file and set the variable: StrictHostKeyChecking no
When need to pack the ZODB...
A dear friend of mine asked me how do I copy a DVD to your hard drive? If you want to make a copy of the ISO image that was burned to a CD or DVD, insert that medium into your CD/DVD drive and (assuming /dev/cdrom is associated with your computer?s CD drive) type the following command
This command clone the first partition of the primary master IDE drive to the second partition of the primary slave IDE drive (!!! back up all data before trying anything like this !!!)
When you need to add another tty device that can automatically start at boot time
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