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Check These Out

Find files recursively that were updated in the last hour ignoring SVN files and folders.
Find files recursively that were updated in the last hour ignoring SVN files and folders. Incase you do a full svn up on accident.

Rename files in batch

Get a range of SVN revisions from svn diff and tar gz them
Handy when you need to create a list of files to be updated when subversion is not available on the remote host. You can take this tar file, and upload and extract it where you need it. Replace M and N with the revisions specific to yours. Make sure you do this from an updated (svn up) working directory.

check open ports without netstat or lsof

Commit only newly added files to subversion repository

Print ASCII Character Chart
Prints out an ascii chart using builtin bash! Then formats using cat -t and column. The best part is: $ echo -e "${p: -3} \\0$(( $i/64*100 + $i%64/8*10 + $i%8 ))"; From:

Function that counts recursively number of lines of all files in specified folders

Bash prompt with user name, host, history number, current dir and just a touch of color
I put that line in my .bash_profile (OS X) and .bashrc (Linux). Here is a summary of what the \char means: n=new line, u=user name, h=host, !=history number, w=current work directory The \[\e[32m\] sequence set the text to bright green and \[\e[0m\] returns to normal color. For more information on what you can set in your bash prompt, google 'bash prompt'

total text files in current dir

When was your OS installed?
shows also time if its the same year or shows year if installed before actual year and also works if /etc is a link (mac os)

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