Commands by Bentlee (0)

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Check These Out

Retry the previous command until it exits successfully
Repeat the previously used command (!!) until it exits with a success code (0). To put a delay between attempts you could do something like $ until !!; do sleep 5; done to wait 5 seconds after each attempt.

Countdown Clock
The biggest advantage over atoponce's nifty original is not killing the scrollback. Written assuming bash, but shouldn't be terribly difficult to port to other shells. S should be multiple spaces, but I can't get commandlinefu to save/show them properly, any help?

Produce a pseudo random password with given length in base 64
Of course you will have to install Digest::SHA and perl before this will work :) Maximum length is 43 for SHA256. If you need more, use SHA512 or the hexadecimal form: sha256_hex()

Use Perl like grep
If you've ever tried "grep -P" you know how terrible it is. Even the man page describes it as "highly experimental". This function will let you 'grep' pipes and files using Perl syntax for regular expressions. The first argument is the pattern, e.g. '/foo/'. The second argument is a filename (optional).

Put public IP address in a variable

Delete all but the latest 5 files
yes 6 (tail from 6th line)

Show this month's calendar, with today's date highlighted
Explanation: * The date command evaluated to today's date with blank padded on the left if single digit * The grep command search and highlight today's date * The --before-context and --after-context flags displays up to 6 lines before and after the line containing today's date; thus completes the calendar. I have tested this command on Mac OS X Leopard and Xubuntu 8.10

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

backup your history
simple and easy backup your history with timestamp

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