Commands by Cainan (0)

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What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Find class in jar

spawn shell listener service with nc

list files recursively by size

Get IP address from domain

Convert diff output to HTML ins/del

Copy file content to X clipboard
(only when vim has been compiled with +clipboard)

Trigger a command each time a file is created in a directory (inotify)
Listens for events in the directory. Each created file is displayed on stdout. Then each fileline is read by the loop and a command is run. This can be used to force permissions in a directory, as an alternative for umask. More details:

Auto-log commands
A quick alias I use right before logging into a server so that I have a log of the transactions as well as the ability to re-connect from another computer. Useful for when your boss says "what commands did you run again on that server?" and you had already closed the terminal ;) I wrapped it in a script now, with more features, but this is the heart of it. Never leave home without it.

Quickly CD Out Of Directories
`up 3` will climb the directory tree by three steps. `up asdf` will do nothing, and returns exit code 1 as an error should.

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