Commands by Carmen34 (0)

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Check These Out

List out classes in of all htmls in directory
Lists out all classes used in all *.html files in the currect directory. usefull for checking if you have left out any style definitions, or accidentally given a different name than you intended. ( I have an ugly habit of accidentally substituting camelCase instead of using under_scores: i would name soemthing counterBox instead of counter_box) WARNING: assumes you give classnames in between double quotes, and that you apply only one class per element.

SoX recording audio and trimming silence
Records audio from your mic in FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) format, starts only after it detects at least 0.1 seconds of noise and stops after 1 second of silence. You can adjust the percent values (sensitivity) to best fit your microphone and voice (0.1% if you have a great quality mic, higher if you don't, 0% does not trim anything). Useful for speech recognition in conjunction with my previous command titled 'Google voice recognition "API"' (

Reverse SSHfs mount,
While `sshfs $REMOTE_HOST:$REMOTE_PATH $LOCAL_PATH` "pulls" a directory from the remote server to the local host, the above command does the reverse and "pushes" a directory from the local host to the remote server. This makes use of the "slave" option of sshfs which instructs it to communicate over plain stdin/stdout and the `dpipe` tool from vde2 to connect the sftp-server stdout to the sshfs stdin and vice-versa.

ZSH prompt. ':)' after program execution with no error, ':(' after failure.
sorry for my english

Recursively find top 20 largest files (> 1MB) sort human readable format
from my bashrc ;)

See loaded modules in apache
Easiest way to check which modules are loaded in apache.

Typing the current date ( or any string ) via a shortcut as if the keys had been actually typed with the hardware keyboard in any application.
That works in all softs, CLI or GUI... I don't want to waste time to all the time typing the same stuff . So, I have that command in my window manager shortcuts ( meta+l ). All the window managers have editable shortcuts AFAIK. If not, or you don't want to use it that way, you can easily use the xbindkeys soft. I you're using kde4, you can run : $ systemsettings then open "inputs actions" and create a new shortcut. For Gnome take a look there : A more advanced one, with strings and newlines : $ xvkbd -xsendevent -text "---8


Create a mirror of a local folder, on a remote server
Create a exact mirror of the local folder "/root/files", on remote server 'remote_server' using SSH command (listening on port 22) (all files & folders on destination server/folder will be deleted)

Perform a C-style loop in Bash.
Print 0 through 99, each on a separate line.

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