Commands by Charles273 (0)

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Check These Out

Displays the version of the Adobe Flash plugin installed
This is for Debian, simply change the path if your Flash plugin is installed elsewhere.

Report information about executable launched on system
Aureport is a tool for displaying auditd system log. -x options cause to display launched executable on system. Aureport work with auditd so auditd must be installed an running on a system. Tested on CentOS / Debian

make directory with current date

Ultimate current directory usage command
An NCurses version of the famous old 'du' unix command

Scroll up (or Down (PgDn)) in any terminal session (except KDE)

read squid logs with human-readable timestamp

Monitor open connections for httpd including listen, count and sort it per IP
It's not my code, but I found it useful to know how many open connections per request I have on a machine to debug connections without opening another http connection for it. You can also decide to sort things out differently then the way it appears in here.

Finds all files from / on down over specified size.
Very useful for finding all files over a specified size, such as out of control log files chewing up all available disk space. Fedora Core x specific version.

View a colorful logfile using less

Mount SMB share with password containing special characters
If the password for the share your trying to mount contains special characters you can use URL escape characters. The above command uses an example as follows: username: user password: p@ss URL Encoded password: p%40ss All credit goes to Richard York: Also check out this URL Decoder/Encoder to convert your passwords.

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