Commands by Chirag64 (1)

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Find the process you are looking for minus the grepped one
faster ;) but your idea is really cool

Which files/dirs waste my disk space
I added -S to du so that you don't include /foo/bar/baz.iso in /foo, and change sorts -n to -h so that it can properly sort the human readable sizes.

Your name backwards

Append last argument to last command
Just like "!$", except it does it instantly. Then you can hit enter if you want.

check open ports without netstat or lsof

diff will usually only take one file from STDIN. This is a method to take the result of two streams and compare with diff. The example I use to compare two iTunes libraries but it is generally applicable.
diff is designed to compare two files. You can also compare directories. In this form, bash uses 'process substitution' in place of a file as an input to diff. Each input to diff can be filtered as you choose. I use find and egrep to select the files to compare.

identify exported sonames in a path
This provides a list of shared object names (sonames) that are exported by a given tree. This is usually useful to make sure that a given required dependency (NEEDED entry) is present in a firmware image tree. The shorter (usable) version for it would be $ scanelf -RBSq -F "+S#f" But I used the verbose parameters in the command above, for explanation.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Match a URL
For the record: I didn't build this. Just shared what I found that worked. Apologies to the original author! I decided I should fix the case where is not matched for the next time I need this. So I read rfc1035 and formalized the host name regex. If anyone finds any more holes, please comment.

Simple colourized JSON formatting for BASH
Leave out pygmentize or `pip install pygments` first.

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