Commands by Dark006 (2)

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Check These Out

Graphical tree of sub-directories with files
The command finds every item within the directory and edits the output so that subdirectories are and files are output much like the tree command

Close shell keeping all subprocess running

Expand shortened URLs
curl(1) is more portable than wget(1) across Unices, so here is an alternative doing the same thing with greater portability. This shell function uses curl(1) to show what site a shortened URL is pointing to, even if there are many nested shortened URLs. This is a great way to test whether or not the shortened URL is sending you to a malicious site, or somewhere nasty that you don't want to visit. The sample output is from: $ expandurl

Get Nyan'd
Get nyan'd

Capitalize first letter of each word in a string - A ruby alternative
"-n" loops around ; "-e" executes the given quoted string ; "$_" is the current line ; "split" creates an array on white space; each item of the array is "collected" to be then "capitalized" ; the array is "joined" back into a string.

clear the cache from memory

Recursively chmod all dirs to 755 and all files to 644

Clear mistyped passwords from password prompt
Type ^u at password prompt to clear a mistyped password.

cat a bunch of small files with file indication
If you have a bunch of small files that you want to cat to read, you can cat each alone (boring); do a cat *, and you won't see what line is for what file, or do a grep . *. "." will match any string and grep in multifile mode will place a $filename: before each matched line. It works recursively too!!

sum numbers in the file (or stdin)
add integers from the stdin and print out the result usually, cat /tmp/file | echo $(($(tr '\n' '+')0))

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