Commands by FRUiT (1)

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Check These Out

Kill all processes that listen to ports begin with 50 (50, 50x, 50xxx,...)
Run netstat as root (via sudo) to get the ID of the process listening on the desired socket. Use awk to 1) match the entry that is the listening socket, 2) matching the exact port (bounded by leading colon and end of column), 3) remove the trailing slash and process name from the last column, and finally 4) use the system(…) command to call kill to terminate the process. Two direct commands, netstat & awk, and one forked call to kill. This does kill the specific port instead of any port that starts with 50. I consider this to be safer.

Execute a command without saving it in the history
Prepending one or more spaces to your command won't be saved in history. Useful for pr0n or passwords on the commandline. Tested on BASH.

Use tee to process a pipe with two or more processes
Tee can be used to split a pipe into multiple streams for one or more process to work it. You can add more " >()" for even more fun.

Replace space in filename
This commands removes space from all the files with specific extension. I've specifed *.jpg as an example.

Filter IPs out of files

Provide the ten largest subfolders in the current folder

draw honeycomb
Fill the entire terminal screen. Is COLUMNS or LINES are undefined run "resize"

Welcome humans!
Some information about robots. :-)

Get curenttly playing track in radio

leave a stale ssh session
When your ssh session hanged (probably due to some network issues) you can "kill" it by hitting those 3 keys instead of closing the entire terminal.

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