Commands by Hippieshome55 (0)

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Check These Out

Record active input of soundcard to file.wav
You'll need sox package in Debian/Ubuntu.

Open Vim with two windows
: new command allow to split a Vim screen in two separate windows. Each window can handle its own buffer. Passing the -c new options when Vim start cause to split screen automatically.

Cleanup firefox's database.
Sqlite database keeps collecting cruft as time passes, which can be cleaned by the 'vacuum;' command. This command cleans up the cruft in all sqlite files relating to the user you have logged in as. This command has to be run when firefox is not running, or it will exit displaying the pid of the firefox running.

Produce a pseudo random password with given length in base 64

find sparse files
Prints the path/filename and sparseness of any sparse files (files that use less actual space than their total size because the filesystem treats large blocks of 00 bytes efficiently).

Decrypt MD5
Decrypt MD5 , replace 1cb251ec0d568de6a929b520c4aed8d1 with the MD5 string you want to decrypt

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

Debug a remote php application (behind firewall) using ssh tunnel for XDEBUG port 9000
If you need to xdebug a remote php application, which is behind a firewall, and you have an ssh daemon running on that machine. you can redirect port 9000 on that machine over to your local machine from which you run your xdebug client (I am using phpStorm) So, run this command on your local machine and start your local xdebug client, to start debugging. more info:

check open ports without netstat or lsof

add all files not under version control to repository
With the force options the same results can be achieved

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