Commands by JacksonS54 (0)

  • bash: commands not found

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Check These Out

How to secure delete a file
Instead, install apt-get install secure-delete and you can use: -- srm to delete file and directory on hard disk -- smem to delete file in RAM -- sfill to delete "free space" on hard disk -- sswap to delete all data from swap

vim insert current filename
insert filename Normal mode: "%p Insert mode: %

Convert & rename all filenames to lower case

print file without duplicated lines using awk
This create an array 'a' with wole lines. only one occurrence of each line - Not Get lines ++ !

Check if a web page has changed last time checked.
Checks if a web page has changed. Put it into cron to check periodically. Change and for your needs.

Tell what is encoded in a float, given its HEX bytes
It handles all possible combination of the hex bytes, including NaNs, Infinities, Normalized and Subnormal Numbers... $ This crazy DC stuff spent me a few days to write, optimize, polish and squeeze so that it works within the tight 255 character bound... $ You can modify it easily for other IEEE754 numbers, say, half, double, double-extended, quadruple $ (I hope someone will find this useful and submit more dc code to commandlinefu!)

Print the contents of $VARIABLE, six words at a time
Print out the contents of $VARIABLE, six words per line, ignoring any single or double quotes in the text. Useful when $VARIABLE contains a sentence that changes periodically, and may or may not contain quoted text.

url redirect tracer with curl
tracing redirects for a given url shortener

find previously entered commands
Searches bash-history in reverse order (last entered commands first). Pressing ctrl+r again shows the next matching entry.

Create a new file

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