Commands by Jeffwebb (0)

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Check These Out

vi a remote file
notice the double slash

rgrep: recursive grep without .svn
Only excludes .svn from filenames.

Find unused IPs on a given subnet
Somewhat shorter version.

Generate a random password 30 characters long
This command is similar to the alternate, except with head(1), you can pick as many passwords as you wish to generate by changing the number of lines you wish to preview.

List only hidden files
You can omit the -d to see what's inside directories. In that case, you may want -a to see dotfiles inside those directories. (Otherwise you don't need -a since you're explicitly looking at them.)

Selecting a random file/folder of a folder
Also looks in subfolders

Show me a histogram of the busiest minutes in a log file:
Busiest seconds: $ cat /var/log/secure.log | awk '{print substr($0,0,15)}' | uniq -c | sort -nr | awk '{printf("\n%s ",$0) ; for (i = 0; i

Convert file type to unix utf-8
converts encoding of a file to unix utf-8 useful for data files that contain what would be usable ascii text but are encoded as mpeg or some other encoding that prevents you from doing common manipulations like 'sed'

Tail a log-file over the network
This one is tried and tested for Ubuntu 12.04. Works great for tailing any file over http.

analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark
commandline for mac os x

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