print multiple increasing years using cal - calendar -. You can also try
seq Start Increment End
replace "/usr/src/linux/kernel/signal.c" with any file you want and listen to its output ! :P you can also replace "cat" with "echo" or anything you can come up with have fun :-}
I think it would be wise if anyone voting down left a comment indicating the reason for that action. Don't keep it to yourself. Thanks. Show Sample Output
NOT MINE! Taken from blog. It creates a tree-style output of all the (sub)folders and (sub)files from the current folder and down(deeper) Quoting some of hackzine's words "Murphy Mac sent us a link to a handy find/sed command that simulates the DOS tree command that you might be missing on your Mac or Linux box. [..split...] Like most things I've seen sed do, it does quite a bit in a single line of code and is completely impossible to read. Sure it's just a couple of substitutions, but like a jack in the box, it remains a surprise every time I run it." Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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