Check These Out
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"
Rotates log files with "gz"-extension in a directory for 7 days and enumerates the number in file name.
i.e.: logfile.1.gz > logfile.2.gz
I needed this line due to the limitations on AIX Unix systems which do not ship with the rename command.
Create a exact mirror of the local folder "/root/files", on remote server 'remote_server' using SSH command (listening on port 22)
(all files & folders on destination server/folder will be deleted)
Handy when you need to create a list of files to be updated when subversion is not available on the remote host. You can take this tar file, and upload and extract it where you need it. Replace M and N with the revisions specific to yours. Make sure you do this from an updated (svn up) working directory.
Notifyme is a program that listen in background for users login, and report on login and logout. Users can be specified from a list or in a ~/notify.rc file. -C options force to display messages on the center of the screen.See man notifyme for more details. Part of notifyme package, tested on Debian.
Limited, but useful construct to extract text embedded in XML tags. This will only work if bar is all on one line.
If nobody posts an alternative for the multiline sed version, I'll figure it out later...
This lets you replace a file or directory and quickly revert if something goes wrong. For example, the current version of a website's files are in public_html. Put a new version of the site in public_html~ and execute the command. The names are swapped. If anything goes wrong, execute it again (up arrow or !!).
To monitor .vmdk files during snapshot deletion (commit) on ESX only (ESXi doesn't have the watch command):
1. Navigate to the VM directory containing .vmdk files.
# watch "ls -tough --full-time *.vmdk"
-t sorts by modification time
-o do not list group information (to narrow the output)
-u sorts by access time
-g only here for the purpose to easily remember the created mnemonic word 'tough'
-h prints sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G)
--full-time sets the time style to full-iso and does not list user information (to narrow the output)
optionally useful parameters to the watch command:
-d highlight changes between updates
-n seconds to wait between updates (default is 2)
-t turn off printing the header