Commands by Knightshift009 (0)

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Check These Out

Turn shell tracing and verbosity (set -xv) on/off with 1 command!
Running this command turns shell tracing and shell verbose debugging on or off. Not only does it do that, it also uses your terminals builtin method of setting colors to make debugging much easier. It looks at the current shell options contained in the $- special bash variable and that lets this function set the opposite of the current value. So from the shell you could do a: $ setx; echo "y" | ( cat -t ) | echo "d"; setx and it will turn on debbuggin. This is an amazingly useful function that is perfect to add system-wide by adding it to /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc.. You can run it from the shell, and you can also use it in your shell scripts like my .bash_profile -

Remove all zero size files from current directory (not recursive)

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

Generate a random left-hand password
Generates a random 8-character password that can be typed using only the left hand on a QWERTY keyboard. Useful to avoid taking your hand off of the mouse, especially if your username is left-handed. Change the 8 to your length of choice, add or remove characters from the list based on your preferences or kezboard layout, etc.

SED - Substitute string in next line

Simultaneously running different Firefox profiles
After running $ firefox -ProfileManager and creating several different profiles, use this command to run multiple Firefox profiles simultaneously.

exit without saving history
this exits bash without saving the history. unlike explicitly disabling the history in some way, this works anywhere, and it works if you decide *after* issuing the command you don't want logged, that you don't want it logged ... $$ ( or ${$} ) is the pid of the current bash instance this also works perfectly in shells that don't have $$ if you do something like $ kill -9 `readlink /proc/self`

Combine multiple images into a video using ffmpeg
The -start_number can be ignored if sequence starts with 0, otherwise use first number in sequence

FInd the 10 biggest files taking up disk space

Get sunrise and sunset times
This will get the sunrise and sunset times of a specific location. To be able to determine $l you need to first go to and look up your location. The last numbers in the URL will be the $l Instead of forecastrss?w=$l you can also use forecastrss?p=$l and use the RSS link of the city you found. Also see for more information

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