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Check These Out

Get a range of SVN revisions from svn diff and tar gz them
Handy when you need to create a list of files to be updated when subversion is not available on the remote host. You can take this tar file, and upload and extract it where you need it. Replace M and N with the revisions specific to yours. Make sure you do this from an updated (svn up) working directory.

Recursive find and replace file extension / suffix (mass rename files)
Find recursively all files in ~/Notes with the extension '.md' and pipe that via xargs to rename command, which will replace every '.md' to '.txt' in this example (existing files will not be overwritten).

Create a self-extracting archive for win32 using 7-zip
using `cat` under *NIX - just because you help manage M$ Windoze *doesn't* mean you should have to resort to using it! You can also make custom win32 installers with the 7zip "extras" package: $ cat /path/to/7zSD.sfx /path/to/config.txt /path/to/archive > setup.exe

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

Rename duplicates from MusicBrainz Picard
Renames duplicates from MusicBrainz Picard, so you get the latest copy and not a bunch of duplicates.

Resume scp of a big file

Write a shell script that removes files that contain a string
Deletes files in the current directory or its subdirectories that match "regexp" but handle directories, newlines, spaces, and other funky characters better than the original #13315. Also uses grep's "-q" to be quiet and quit at the first match, making this much faster. No need for awk either.

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

output absolute path of the present working directory
I've seen a lot of overly complicated attempts at figuring out "where am I?" I think this is a part of the problem: type -a pwd force the use of the binary version of `pwd` instead of the built-in with "/bin/pwd -P" -P option provides an absolute path to the present working directory for the overly cautious type: $(which pwd) -P

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