Commands by MarkRogan (0)

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What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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list files recursively by size

Show network throughput
Real gurus don't need fancy tools like iftop or jnettop.

Run a command that has been aliased without the alias
Most distributions alias cp to 'cp -i', which means when you attempt to copy into a directory that already contains the file, cp will prompt to overwrite. A great default to have, but when you mean to overwrite thousands of files, you don't want to sit there hitting [y] then [enter] thousands of times. Enter the backslash. It runs the command unaliased, so as in the example, cp will happily overwrite existing files much in the way mv works.

OpenDns IP update via curl
Your IP is resolved by OpenDns Server (like a caller ID telephone, every server knows who is calling ;-) Change user:password by yours Be Happy

Convert current symbolic directory into physical directory

Selecting a random file/folder of a folder
I used only shuf command.

trace http requests with tshark
trace http requests on the specified interface. uses the amazing tshark tool (

Convert all files for iPhone with HandbrakeCLI

Cut the first 'N' characters of a line
You can also cut charactes starting from X to N.

Display rows and columns of random numbers with awk
Displays six rows and five columns of random numbers between 0 and 1. If you need only one column, you can dispense with the "for" loop.

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