Commands by MauricioVieira (2)

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Check These Out

scan folder to check syntax error in php files

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

Yet Another Large Screen Clock

extract audio from flv to mp3

Simple complete system backup excluding files or directories
You can exclude more system folders or individual files which are not necessary for the backup and can be recreated after the restore procedure, like /lost+found, /mnt, /media, /tmp, /usr ... Restoring the above backup procedure is as simple as becoming root and typing: $ tar zxpf backup.tgz -C / You can extract any file or directory out of the backup.tgz file for recovery, for instance, if you have a corrupt or mis-configured fstab file, you could simply issue the command: $ tar zxpf backup.tgz /ect/fstab -C / Other options: v add verbose option to see files processed A far safer solution is to restore the desired files under a different directory, and then compare, move, or update the files to their original locations afterward.

Generate random password on Mac OS X
Feel free to put this in your ~/.profile: $ random(){ cat /dev/urandom | env LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc $1 | head -c $2; echo; } Then use it to generate passwords: $ random [:alnum:] 16 Or DNA sequences: $ random ACGT 256

find packages installed from e.g. sid which are newer than those available from e.g. testing when sid is no longer present as a source repo
This is useful if you add sid, install some packages, then remove sid and want to work out which packages you installed from sid that should be removed (e.g. before an upgrade to the new stable). Alternatively you can think of this as "find installed packages that can no longer be installed."

retab in vim, tab to space or space to tab, useful in python
usage: :[rang]ret[!][tabstop value] python is indent sensitive, after command :set list you may see your codes are mixed with tab and space ret can help you to convert space to tab or tab to space

Show line numbers in a text file

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