Commands by PaybyPlateMa (0)

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Batch rename extension of all files in a folder, in the example from .txt to .md

echo unicode characters

Compress excutable files in place.
The gzexe utility allows you to compress executables in place and have them automatically uncompress and execute when you run them. FYI: You can compress any executable sha-bang scripts as well (py, pl, sh, tcl, etc.).

repeat any string or char n times without spaces between
(here is character '+' repeated 80 times) Sometimes needed to enhance the title of the script.

View dmesg output in human readable format

Lists the size of certain file in every 10 seconds
watch is a command especially designed for doing this job

Throttling Bandwidth On A Mac
sudo ipfw pipe 1 config bw 50KByte/s Set the bandwidth (bw) limit to any number you want. For example you could have a 15kb pipe for X application and then a 100kb pipe for another application and attach things to those pipes. If a port isn’t attached to a pipe, it runs at full speed. Change the number (in this case 1) to a different number for a different pipe. The next step is to attach your port. sudo ipfw add 1 pipe 1 src-port 80 In this case anything on port 80 (http) will be set to a limit of 50Kbyte/s. If you want to attach a second port to this pipe, repeat the command but change the port number at the end. src :

Search specified $TEXT1 and Replace that by specified arg ($TEXT2)

ls only directories
Like normal ls, but only lists directories. Can be used with -l to get more details (ls -lad */)

Parse m3u playlist file for total time
Parse an m3u file with seconds for each item and output the length of the entire playlist

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