Check These Out
Extracts an MP3 encoded audio stream from an input video file.
Simple and easy. No regex, no search and replace. Just clean, built-in tools.
Simple and easy. No regex, no search and replace. Just clean, built-in tools.
Inverse grep, to find files without the string
fade [type] fade-in-length [stop-time [fade-out-length]]
Apply a fade effect to the beginning, end, or both of the audio.
An optional type can be specified to select the shape of the fade curve: q for quarter of a sine wave, h for
half a sine wave, t for linear (`triangular') slope, l for logarithmic, and p for inverted parabola. The
default is logarithmic.
A fade-in starts from the first sample and ramps the signal level from 0 to full volume over fade-in-length sec?
onds. Specify 0 seconds if no fade-in is wanted.
For fade-outs, the audio will be truncated at stop-time and the signal level will be ramped from full volume
down to 0 starting at fade-out-length seconds before the stop-time. If fade-out-length is not specified, it
defaults to the same value as fade-in-length. No fade-out is performed if stop-time is not specified. If the
file length can be determined from the input file header and length-changing effects are not in effect, then 0
may be specified for stop-time to indicate the usual case of a fade-out that ends at the end of the input audio
All times can be specified in either periods of time or sample counts. To specify time periods use the format
hh:mm:ss.frac format. To specify using sample counts, specify the number of samples and append the letter `s'
to the sample count (for example `8000s').
Very useful when you need disk space. It calculates the disk usage of all files and dirs (descending them) located at the current directory (including hidden ones). Then sort puts them in order.
Uses the shell builtin `declare` with the '-f' flag to output only functions to grep out only the function names.
You can use it as an alias or function like so:
alias shfunctions="builtin declare -f | command grep --color=never -E '^[a-zA-Z_]+\ \(\)'"
shfunctions () { builtin declare -f | command grep --color=never -E '^[a-zA-Z_]+\ \(\)'; }
Top 30 History Command line with histogram display
Puts a splash of color in your access logs. IP addresses are gray, 200 and 304 are green, all 4xx errors are red. Works well with e.g. "colorize access_log | less -R" if you want to see your colors while paging.
Use as inspiration for other things you might be tailing, like syslog or vmstat
$ tail -f access.log | colorize
One person does `mkfifo foo; script -f foo' and another can supervise real-time what is being done using `cat foo'.