Commands by RUSEPH (0)

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Check These Out

Replace spaces in a filename with hyphens
As long as you have perl based rename. You can check: =$ rename --help Unknown option: help Usage: rename [-v] [-n] [-f] perlexpr [filenames] That's the good one.

Undo several commits by committing an inverse patch.
Use this to make a new commit that "softly" reverts a branch to some commit (i.e. squashes the history into an inverse patch). You can review the changes first by doing the diff alone.

convert from decimal to hexadecimal
Use the standard calculator bc to convert decimals to hex

grep for minus (-) sign
Use flag "--" to stop switch parsing

Report the established connections for a particular port

list files recursively by size

File rotation without rename command
Rotates log files with "gz"-extension in a directory for 7 days and enumerates the number in file name. i.e.: logfile.1.gz > logfile.2.gz I needed this line due to the limitations on AIX Unix systems which do not ship with the rename command.

Display which distro is installed

run command on a group of nodes in parallel

Watch the National Debt clock
The idea was originally stolen from Linux Journal. 'wget' pulls the debt clock and 'sed' reformats it for general consumption. Prefacing the command with 'watch' simply sets an interval - in this case every 10 seconds.

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