Commands by Risthel (2)

  • Reload all defined kernel variables from /etc/sysctl.conf(if no parameter after -p is given) without the old myth "Ah, you'll need to reboot to apply those variables"... Show Sample Output

    /sbin/sysctl -p
    Risthel · 2013-02-14 12:48:26 4
  • This command will "su" the execution of the command to the postgres user(implies that you are already logger as root), and export the result of the query to a file on the csv format. You'll need to adequate the fields and database information to one of your choice/need. Show Sample Output

    # su -c "psql -d maillog -c \"copy (select date,sender,destination,subject from maillog where destination like '') to '/tmp/mails.csv' with csv;\" " postgres
    Risthel · 2013-02-13 13:03:17 5

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Show word-by-word differences between two latex files, in color

Displays the attempted user name, ip address, and time of SSH failed logins on Debian machines
A variation of a script I found on this site and then slimmed down to just use awk. It displays all users who have attempted to login to the box and failed using SSH. Pipe it to the sort command to see which usernames have the most failed logins.

Revert all modified files in an SVN repo

Sort processes by CPU Usage

print contents of file from first match of regex to end of file
Search in "filename" for the first line to match regex, and print to stdout from the matching line to the end of the file.

show how many regex you use in your vim today
i want to count how many regex code i have used in vim in a long time so i make a directory in svn host and post record to this directory of course i dont want to post manually so i worte a script to do that and this is the core thing to do

draw matrix using dot

cpu process limitation for specific processname like java,kibana
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Delete backward from cursor, useful when you enter the wrong password

Execute matlab sentences from command line
Execute matlab sentences in shell script: for var in `seq 0 0.2 1` ; do echo "my_function($var);" | matlab -nodisplay done

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