Commands by Strader854 (0)

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What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Binary difference of two files
Upload/download newer version of any file with less size and high speed. To remake the new file use $bspatch

Add a Clock to Your CLI

Securely destroy data on given device hugely faster than /dev/urandom
This command generates a pseudo-random data stream using aes-256-ctr with a seed set by /dev/urandom. Redirect to a block device for secure data scrambling.

AWK command to extract log files between dates

A rainbow-colored Tux gives a fortune cookie for the day. Great

Upgrade all perl modules via CPAN

Figure out what shell you're running

generate a random 10 character password
Generate a table of random 10 character passwords

find and delete empty directories recursively
this will show the names of the deleted directories, and will delete directories that only no files, only empty directories.

Kill all processes that listen to ports begin with 50 (50, 50x, 50xxx,...)
Run netstat as root (via sudo) to get the ID of the process listening on the desired socket. Use awk to 1) match the entry that is the listening socket, 2) matching the exact port (bounded by leading colon and end of column), 3) remove the trailing slash and process name from the last column, and finally 4) use the system(…) command to call kill to terminate the process. Two direct commands, netstat & awk, and one forked call to kill. This does kill the specific port instead of any port that starts with 50. I consider this to be safer.

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