Commands by Velenux (4)

  • smbfs or cifs, depends on which you are using

    umount -t smbfs
    Velenux · 2012-02-23 10:46:44 4

  • -6
    for file in *; do echo $PWD/$file; done
    Velenux · 2011-12-16 13:12:00 5
  • Best way I know to get rid of .bash_history and don't allow bash to save the current one on exit Edit: added ~/ before .bash_history, just in case... ;)

    rm ~/.bash_history && kill -9 $$
    Velenux · 2009-10-08 12:25:47 9
  • Output is from Debian Lenny Show Sample Output

    grep CONFIG $(which mysqlbug)
    Velenux · 2009-09-23 17:12:37 3

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Check These Out

Outputs a 10-digit random number

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

recursive search and replace old with new string, inside files
xargs deals badly with special characters (such as space, ' and "). To see the problem try this: touch important_file touch 'not important_file' ls not* | xargs rm Parallel does not have this problem.

Read null character seperated fields from a file
Handle any bad named file which contains ",',\n,\b,\t,` etc Store the file name as null character separated list $find . -print0 >name.lst and retrieve it using $read -r -d "" Eg: $find . -print0 >name.lst; $cat name.lst| while IFS="" read -r -d "" file; $do $ls -l "$file"; $done

check open ports
Tested in Linux and OSX

Find the most recently changed files (recursively)

Automaticly cd into directory
Makes bash-4.x like zsh. Automatic cd into a directory if a command with that name doesnt exists. Ready for your ~/.bashrc file

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"


Define an alias with a correct completion
In Bash, when defining an alias, one usually loses the completion related to the function used in that alias (that completion is usually defined in /etc/bash_completion using the complete builtin). It's easy to reuse the work done for that completion in order to have smart completion for our alias. That's what is done by this command line (that's only an example but it may be very easy to reuse). Note 1 : You can use given command line in a loop "for old in apt-get apt-cache" if you want to define aliases like that for many commands. Note 2 : You can put the output of the command directly in your .bashrc file (after the ". /etc/bash_completion") to always have the alias and its completion

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