Check These Out
The Haversine formula determines the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere given their longitudes and latitudes.
Same as the other rtfm's, but using the more correct xdg-open instead of $BROWSER.
I can't find a way to open info only if the term exists, so it stays out of my version.
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"
No need for sort
Catches .swp, .swo, .swn, etc.
If you have access to lsof, it'll give you more compressed output and show you the associated terminals (e.g., pts/5, which you could then use 'w' to figure out where it's originating from): lsof | grep '\.sw.$'
If you have swp files turned off, you can do something like: ps x | grep '[g,v]im', but it won't tell you about files open in buffers, via :e [file].
Converts any number of seconds into days, hours, minutes and seconds.
sec2dhms() {
declare -i SS="$1"
D=$(( SS / 86400 ))
H=$(( SS % 86400 / 3600 ))
M=$(( SS % 3600 / 60 ))
S=$(( SS % 60 ))
[ "$D" -gt 0 ] && echo -n "${D}:"
[ "$H" -gt 0 ] && printf "%02g:" "$H"
printf "%02g:%02g\n" "$M" "$S"
Get information of volume labels of bitlocker volumes, even if they are encrypted and locked (no access to filesystem, no password provided). Note that the volume labels can have spaces, but only if you name then before encryption. Renaming a bitlocker partition after being encrypted does not have the same effect as doing it before.
Put this code in a bash script. The script expects the PDF file as its only parameter.
It will add a header to the PDF containing the page numbers and output it to a file with the suffix "-header.pdf"
Requires enscript, ps2pdf and pdftk.
You might want to secure your AWS operations requiring to use a MFA token. But then to use API or tools, you need to pass credentials generated with a MFA token.
This commands asks you for the MFA code and retrieves these credentials using AWS Cli. To print the exports, you can use:
`awk '{ print "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\"" $1 "\"\n" "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\"" $2 "\"\n" "export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=\"" $3 "\"" }'`
You must adapt the command line to include:
* $MFA_IDis ARN of the virtual MFA or serial number of the physical one
* TTL for the credentials