* Make a FIFO file named replypipe * listen on 1234 * pass the request to unix socket * unix socket will reply to replypipe * replypipe will write reply to the client
This has saved me many times while debugging timeout issues to "too many open files" issues. A high number of the order of thousand, indicates that somewhere connection is not being closed properly. Show Sample Output
sox (SOund eXchange) can capture the system audio be it a browser playing youtube or from hardware mic and can pipe it to ffmpeg which encodes it into flv and send it over rtmp. Tested using Red5 rtmp server.
It'll print the file names preserving the spaces in their names and adding new line after every new filename. I wrote this to quickly find out how many files in any directory is owned by a particular user. This can be extended using pipe and grep to do much more. Show Sample Output
This one is tried and tested for Ubuntu 12.04. Works great for tailing any file over http.
I run this via crontab every one minute on my machine occasionally to see if a process is eating up my system's resources.
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