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Check These Out

Extract title from HTML files
previous version leaves lots of blank lines

Decrypt exported android wallet keys for import into desktop client (LTC,FTC,BTC)

Convert decimal numbers to binary
Convert some decimal numbers to binary numbers. You could also build a general base-converter: $ function convBase { echo "ibase=$1; obase=$2; $3" | bc; } then you could write $ function decToBun { convBase 10 2 $1; }

Press Any Key to Continue
Halt script progress until a key has been pressed. Source:

Get absolut path to your bash-script

What is my ip?

Safe Russian Roulette (only echo, don't delete files)
Shows "Bang!" in a chance of 1 out of 6, like in the original game with the gun (spin every round). Otherwise, echoes "Click...". If feeling brave you can also do: $[ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && echo 'Bang!' && a really killer command || echo 'Click...'

View a file with less, starting at the end of the file
The same as typing 'less filename' then 'G' or '>' or the END key. Comes in handy with shell scripts or aliases: alias weblog='less +G /var/log/httpd/access_log' alias errlog='less +G /var/log/httpd/error_log'

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

Lock your KDE4 remotely (via regular KDE lock)
Forgot to lock your computer? Want to lock it via SSH or mobile phone or use it for scheduled lock? TIP: Make a alias for this (e. g. as "lock"). I found some howtos for ugly X11 lock, but this will use regular KDE locking utility. Note that KDE 3 is using utility with another name (I guess with the same argument --forcelock) Tested on Kubuntu 8.10. Stay tuned for remote unlock.

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