Commands by arlequin (3)

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Check These Out

Print only the odd lines of a file (GNU sed)
The tilde address operator is an extension of GNU sed. It won't work with POSIX sed.

Isolate file name from full path/find output
Quick method of isolating filenames from a full path using expansion. Much quicker than using "basename"

Losslessly rotate videos from your phone by 90 degrees.
Takes all the .3gp files in the directory, rotates them by 90 degrees, and saves them in the lossless ffv1 encoding. If this rotates in the wrong direction, you may want transponse=1 Re-encoding to ffv1 may result in a significant increase in file size, as it is a lossless format. Other applications may not recognize ffv1 if they don't use ffmpeg code. "huffyuv" might be another option for lossless saving of your transformations. The audio may be re-encoded as well, if the encoding used by your 3gp file doesn't work in a avi container.

Simulate slow network connection locally
Replace 500ms by the desired delay. To remove it: sudo tc qdisc del dev lo root netem delay 500ms

geoip information
geoip from maxmind try to get the small utility via: apt-get install geoip

the executable that started the currently running oracle databases and the ORACLE_HOME relative to each
get a list of currently running oracle dbs (identified by the pmon process) show the executable that spawned the process and show the ORACLE_HOME relative to the environment within which the process is running tailored to AIX (sed on linux behaves...differently) suggestions for a better way...please.

Never ending music, generated via a C snippet, piped to aplay. Taken from:

Extract audio stream from an video file using mencoder
This command extracts the audio stream of the video in $file and stores it in a file where the original suffix is changed to .mp3

convert a .wmv to a .avi

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

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