Commands by arlyanagi (0)

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Check These Out

print line and execute it in BASH
If contains only these two lines: $ uname -a $ whoami

Advanced python tracing
Trace python statement execution and syscalls invoked during that simultaneously

Show your account and windows policy settings with Results of Policy msc.
Type this into windows via run and it will display to you your complete policy for windows. This includes group policy, security policy and your active directory account (min password etc)....

Zip each file in a directory individually with the original file name
This will list the files in a directory, then zip each one with the original filename individually. video1.wmv -> video2.wmv -> This was for zipping up large amounts of video files for upload on a Windows machine.

Sort file greater than a specified size in human readeable format including their path and typed by color, running from current directory
1. find file greater than 10 MB 2. direct it to xargs 3. xargs pass them as argument to ls

Create a directory and go inside it
$_ expands to the last argument of the last command that was executed

Get all links of a website

vimdiff local and remote files via ssh
Lifted from which points out credits for the inspiration.

Test http request every second, fancy display.
Use the command watch, which is really hard to pass nested quotes to, and insert newlines where they are supposed to go in the HTTP request. that is after 1.1 after the host and two newlines at the end before the EOF. i use this all day what? no support for HEREDOCs on commandlinefu's interface? need more fu.

Delete all non-printing characters from a file
tr has some predefined sets of characters that are more convenient to use than characters codes

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