Check These Out
Useful if you have to put some mp3 files into mobile devices (ie mobile phones with no much memory)
Shorter version with proper stderr redirection .
You can exclude more system folders or individual files which are not necessary for the backup and can be recreated after the restore procedure, like /lost+found, /mnt, /media, /tmp, /usr ...
Restoring the above backup procedure is as simple as becoming root and typing:
$ tar zxpf backup.tgz -C /
You can extract any file or directory out of the backup.tgz file for recovery, for instance, if you have a corrupt or mis-configured fstab file, you could simply issue the command:
$ tar zxpf backup.tgz /ect/fstab -C /
Other options:
v add verbose option to see files processed
A far safer solution is to restore the desired files under a different directory, and then compare, move, or update the files to their original locations afterward.
make, find and a lot of other programs can take a lot of time. And can do not. Supppose you write a long, complicated command and wonder if it will be done in 3 seconds or 20 minutes. Just add "R" (without quotes) suffix to it and you can do other things: zsh will inform you when you can see the results.
You can replace zenity with other X Window dialogs program.
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"
Use mencoder to concatenate (join) multiple video files together.
-o acts like :spit. Use -O (capital o) for side-by-side like :vsplit. Use vim -d or vimdiff if you need a diff(1) comparison.
To split gnu Screen instead of vim, use ^A S for horizontal, ^A | for vertical.
Obviously the example given is necessarily simple, but this command not only saves time on the command line (saves you using "cd -" or, worse, having to type a fully qualified path if your command cd's more than once), but is vital in scripts, where I've found the behaviour of "cd -" to be a little broken at times.