Commands by baddieseast12 (0)

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Check These Out

Extract the emoticons regex from a running skype process
Skype has an internal regex which depicts the emoticons it supports. However you cannot simply search the binary file for it. This small 181 character line will do just that, provided skype is running. And of course, only works in linux.

Get a list of all your VirtualBox virtual machines by name and UUID from the shell
A similar command that lists only the currently running VMs is thus: $ VBoxManage list runningvms ...the above showing a list of VMs by name and UUID in the same format as the "$ VBoxManage list vms" command

Cut the first 'N' characters of a line
Saves one character, the original is probably clearer

Display text as though it is being typed out in real time
Pipe Viewer allows you to monitor the progress of a data transfer or command, or to show the time elapsed, among other things. In this use, it limits the transfer rate of the echo command to 10 bytes per second, making your text appear to be typed out in real time as in Hollywood movies. Fun!

List upgrade-able packages on Ubuntu
Taken from apticron and modified.

recursive base64 encoding -- Cipher for the Poor ?
Just for fun, I searched a simple way to encrypt some text. Simple base64 encoding seemed a good start so I decided to "amplify" encoding using repeted base64 encoding. Of course, this is not really secure but can be useful to hide datas to most part of humans ;). Do not hesitate to provide better solutions or else.

Show the key code for keyboard events include the Fn keys
The keycodes are a result of pressing: Mute (Fn+F1) a

Number of CPU's in a system
this works for a Linux based system, other UNIX systems may have other way(s) to check the number of CPUs.

Get all these commands in a text file with description.
I tried out on my Mac, jot to generate sequence ( 0,25,50,..), you can use 'seq' if it is linux to generate numbers, need curl installed on the machine, then it rocks. @Satya

backup all your favourites to a plaintext file
Usage: clfavs username password num_favourite_commands file_in_which_to_backup

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