Commands by boosttuning (0)

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What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

tar a directory and send it to netcat
tar's directory and sends to netcat listening on port 10000 On the client end: netcat [server ip] 10000 | tar xfvz - This will send it over the network and extract it on the clients machine.

"Pretty print" $PATH, separate path per line

BackTrack Repos
Add the BackTrack repositories to your Debian based GNU/Linux distribution. Thanks to

Search some text from all files inside a directory

Print a row of characters across the terminal
Print a row of characters across the terminal. Uses tput to establish the current terminal width, and generates a line of characters just long enough to cross it. In the example '#' is used. It's possible to use a repeating sequence by dividing the columns by the number of characters in the sequence like this: $ seq -s'~-' 0 $(( $(tput cols) /2 )) | tr -d '[:digit:]' or $ seq -s'-~?' 0 $(( $(tput cols) /3 )) | tr -d '[:digit:]' You will lose chararacters at the end if the length isn't cleanly divisible.

download all the presentations from UTOSC2010
miss a class at UTOSC2010? need a refresher? use this to curl down all the presentations from the UTOSC website. ( NOTE/WARNING this will dump them in the current directory and there are around 37 and some are big - tested on OSX10.6.1

Get line count for any file ending with extension recursively rooted at the current directory.

Find all files under a certain directory /home that have a certain suffix at the end of the file name. Show the file and rename them to remove the suffix.

Convert an image sequence into a video

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