Check These Out
Instead of using force un-mounting, it's better to find the processes that currently use the relevant folder.
Taken from:
mplayer -vo caca will give you a similar result but in color
$ # 4 cores with 2500 pi digits
$ CPUBENCH 4 2500
$ every core will use 100% cpu and you can see how fast they calculate it.
$ if you do 50000 digitits and more it can take hours or days
Sed stops parsing at the match and so is much more effecient than piping head into tail or similar. Grab a line range using
$ sed '999995,1000005!d' < my_massive_file
[Click the "show sample output" link to see how to use this keystroke.]
Meta-p is one of my all time most used and most loved features of working at the command line. It's also one that surprisingly few people know about. To use it with bash (actually in any readline application), you'll need to add a couple lines to your .inputrc then have bash reread the .inputrc using the bind command:
$ echo '"\en": history-search-forward' >> ~/.inputrc
$ echo '"\ep": history-search-backward' >> ~/.inputrc
$ bind -f ~/.inputrc
I first learned about this feature in tcsh. When I switched over to bash about fifteen years ago, I had assumed I'd prefer ^R to search in reverse. Intuitively ^R seemed better since you could search for an argument instead of a command. I think that, like using a microkernel for the Hurd, it sounded so obviously right fifteen years ago, but that was only because the older way had benefits we hadn't known about.
I think many of you who use the command line as much as I do know that we can just be thinking about what results we want and our fingers will start typing the commands needed. I assume it's some sort of parallel processing going on with the linguistic part of the brain. Unfortunately, that parallelism doesn't seem to work (at least for me) with searching the history. I realize I can save myself typing using the history shortly after my fingers have already started "speaking". But, when I hit ^R in Bash, everything I've already typed gets ignored and I have to stop and think again about what I was doing. It's a small bump in the road but it can be annoying, especially for long-time command line users. Usually M-p is exactly what I need to save myself time and trouble.
If you use the command line a lot, please give Meta-p a try. You may be surprised how it frees your brain to process more smoothly in parallel. (Or maybe it won't. Post here and let me know either way. ☺)
It will highlight non-ascii character in a file. those character can cause problem for some application parsing ascii file.
Go look at sample output first
This is kind of like the ls command but displays by modify time with size, date and color.
The newest files at the bottom of the screen (reverse using tac)
Installs pip packages defining a proxy