Commands by caliluna (0)

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for OS X

Switch to rc-proposed channel on Ubuntu Phone - Nexus 4
Get the latest and hopefully greatest to test out on the Ubuntu Phone - sometimes broken but always interesting.

Edit a PDF's metadata using exiftool
Edit the pdf file foo.pdf's metadata. -overwrite_original overwrites the original file (w/o it exiftool creates a new file)

a fast way to repeat output a byte
the speed is about 500MB/s on my machine. i think it's fast enough to output not too many bytes. while a C program may output 1GB per sencond on my machine. if the size is not the power of 512,you may change the bs and count in dd.

Find the biggest files
Show the top 10 file size

shell bash iterate number range with for loop
Bash's arithmetic evaluation.

Search for files older than 30 days in a directory and list only their names not the full path

Convert the output of one or more (log, source code ...) files into html,
Requires the "enscript" package. frank@zappa:~# sudo apt-get install enscript Or "use your head"

Sort contents of a directory with human readable output
Show sizes of all files and directories in a directory in size order. $du -hs * | sort -hr for reverse order. Taken from

Create a pdf version of a manpage
Quick and dirty version. I made a version that checks if a manpage exists (but it's not a oneliner). You must have ps2pdf and of course Ghostscript installed in your box. Enhancements appreciated :-)

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