Commands by chstr (1)

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Check These Out

Compress a file or directory keeping the owner and permissions

Delete all flash cookies.
Maybe you want first check which files will be deleted: $ find $HOME -name '*.sol' -exec echo rm {} \;

Create commands to download all of your Picasaweb albums
Create commands to download all of your Picasaweb albums Install Googlecl ( and authenticate first.

Get video information with ffmpeg
ffprobe is specially intended to get video information

Quick directory bookmarks
Set a bookmark as normal shell variable $ p=/cumbersome/path/to/project To go there $ to p This saves one "$" and is faster to type ;-) The variable is still useful as such: $ vim $p/ will expand the variable (at least in bash) and show a list of files to edit. If setting the bookmarks is too much typing you could add another function $ bm() { eval $1=$(pwd); } then bookmark the current directory with $ bm p

convert a line to a space

A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
This version compresses the data for transport.

Create a new file

Get AWS temporary credentials ready to export based on a MFA virtual appliance
You might want to secure your AWS operations requiring to use a MFA token. But then to use API or tools, you need to pass credentials generated with a MFA token. This commands asks you for the MFA code and retrieves these credentials using AWS Cli. To print the exports, you can use: `awk '{ print "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=\"" $1 "\"\n" "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=\"" $2 "\"\n" "export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=\"" $3 "\"" }'` You must adapt the command line to include: * $MFA_IDis ARN of the virtual MFA or serial number of the physical one * TTL for the credentials

Randomize lines in a file
shuf is in the coreutils package

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