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Display a random man page
I'm not sure why you would want to do this, but this seems a lot simpler (easier to understand) than the version someone submitted using awk.

easily find megabyte eating files or directories

C function manual

A nice way to show git commit history, with easy to read revision numbers instead of the default hash

Find all folder in /var that contains log in their path and have more than 10 files inside them, print the folder and the count
-L is for following symbolic links, it can be omitted and then you can find in your whole / dir

Delete specific sender in mailq

Rips CDs (Playstation, etc.) and names the files the same as the volume name

Updating to Fedora 11

What is My WAN IP?
The curl command retrieve the HTML text containing the IP address. The grep command picks out the IP address from that HTML text.

Rename files in batch

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