alias for psql command line; works similar for Oracles sqlplus commandline interface. if you do not provide stdin you will end up in the db shell. Show Sample Output
e.g., 'screen -L /dev/ttyUSB0 38400' listens to your Holux M-241 GPS logger and turns on automatic logging Show Sample Output
... plus do a sort according frequency Show Sample Output
tar does not have a -mtime option as find. tar appends all the file to an existing tar file.
the block of the loop is useful whenever you have huge junks of similar jobs, e.g., convert high res images to thumbnails, and make usage out of all the SMP power on your compute box without flooding the system.
note: c is used as counter and the random sleep
r=`echo $RANDOM%5 |bc`; echo "sleep $r"; sleep $r
is just used as a dummy command.
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cu (call UNIX) establishes a full-duplex connection to another machine (*BSD) using a serial console.
It becames more useful than screen if you have to send a BREAK signal. using cu just type "~#".
man cu
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cat WAR_AND_PEACE_By_LeoTolstoi.txt | tr -cs "[:alnum:]" "\n"| tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" | sort -S16M | uniq -c |sort -nr | cat -n | head -n 30
("sort -S1G" - Linux/GNU sort only) will also do the job but as some drawbacks (caused by space/time complexity of sorting) for bigger files...
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