Commands by davidson02 (0)

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Check These Out

background a wget download

Print a single route to a destination and its contents exactly as the kernel sees it
Useful to determine the source_ip of outgoing packages to a certain destination

Save an HTML page, and covert it to a .pdf file
Uses htmldoc to perform the conversion

dont execute command just add it to history as a comment, handy if your command is not "complete" yet

Say something out loud
Whatever arguments you pass will be spoken out loud. (Put it in a script or shell function.)

Not a kismet replacement...
If you're like some individuals who rely on ndiswrapper and cannot use kismet, this command may be of service. watch -n .5 "iwlist wlan0 scan | egrep 'ESSID|Encryption'" Or... watch -n .5 "iwlist wlan0 scan | egrep 'ESSID|Encryption' | egrep 'linksys'" :-) Hopefully you'll find some dd-wrt compatible routers.

Donwload media from *.rm from an url of type htttp://.../*.ram

Clear mistyped passwords from password prompt
Type ^u at password prompt to clear a mistyped password.

Grep for regular expression globally, list files and positions.
Grep for expression globally, list files and positions. "Hirn" is a nice german crib meaning "Brain". :-) Afterwards you can edit the line you want with "vi ./p_common/common_main.pbt +1550"

Convert wma to mp3@128k
Convert all wma to mp3@128k with ffmpeg into directory.

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