(1) don't run twice, or the same folder will occur in $PATH. (2) otherwise you need to start a new terminal Show Sample Output
a pretty simple script when running java programs from command line Show Sample Output
a simple interactive tool to convert Simplified Chinese (typed by pinyin) to Traditional Chinese Show Sample Output
-n is very important, otherwise it's string comparison Show Sample Output
Pros: the format is very simple, there is no need to show every columns, and full command with args the first column is memory consumption % the second column is pid the third is just the command (without full arguments, most application's arguments are too long) You can decide which application to kill then. Show Sample Output
parrallel execution of a command on remote host by ssh or rsh or ... very useful for cluster management (software update) Show Sample Output
This is usefull when we don't know the exact name of the process, but the application name A limitation is that the regular expression only tries to match the last part of the full command (i.e. the bin file name itself). But this is way shorter than the following one: ps axww | grep SomeCommand | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs kill Show Sample Output
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