Commands by dileu12 (2)

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Check These Out

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Count items in JSON array
Pipe any JSON to jq, then count with the appropiate expression and use the | length on the array

Combining text files into one file

Rename files in batch

Mutt - Change mail sender.

Print a date from 3 days ago
This command prints the Date (Not time) from 3 days ago (72 hours ago). This works on systems without GNU date (MacOSX , Solaris, FreeBSD).

use jq to validate and pretty-print json output
the `jq` tool can also be used do validate json files and pretty print output `cat file.json | jq` available on several platforms, including newer debian-based systems via `#sudo apt install jq`, mac via `brew install jq`, and from source

Empty a file
The downside of output redirection is that you need permissions. So something like $ > file won't play nicely w/ sudo. You'd need to do something like $ bash -c '> file' instead, you could go w/ $ sudo truncate -s0 file

Change the extension of a filename by using rename to convert
This will change all files ending in .JPG to .jpg and will work with any file extension

Huh? Where did all my precious space go ?
Sort ls output of all files in current directory in ascending order Just the 20 biggest ones: $ ls -la | sort -k 5bn | tail -n 20 A variant for the current directory tree with subdirectories and pretty columns is: $ find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -la | sort -k 5bn | column -t And finding the subdirectories consuming the most space with displayed block size 1k: $ du -sk ./* | sort -k 1bn | column -t

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