Streaming HTML5 compatible video (Ogg Theora video with Vorbis sound) to an Icecast server using dvgrab, ffmpeg2theora and oggfwd. In this example I'm merging stereo sound to mono (-c 1), saving the original dv for later higher quality on-demand video (tee dvstream.dv), saving the theora stream for immediate on-demand video, and publishing the stream in Xiph's stream directory (-p and the name and description). The URL of the video will be (depending on your server) which will play in newer Firefox, Chrome and Opera web browsers. Cortado (a Java player) can easily be used for IE. Note also that I'm using port 80, which is not the default port for Icecast, this is to avoid restrictive firewalls. Also note that ffmpeg2theora 0.25 and will heed the bitrates much better than former versions because of using libtheora 1.1 or newer. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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