Commands by dmmst19 (14)

  • Other solutions that involve doing du -sx /* are incomplete because they will still descend other top-level filesystems are that mounted directly at "/" because the * expands to explicitly include all files and directories in "/", and du will still traverse them even with -x because you asked it to by supplying the directory name as a parameter (indirectly via "*"). Show Sample Output

    for a in /*; do mountpoint -q -- "$a" || du -shx "$a"; done | sort -h
    dmmst19 · 2024-02-28 01:43:19 64
  • If you have two sets of files that may share hard-linked files, it can be useful to identify which ones are hard links to same underlying inode (file). This command shows you all of those, sorted by inode#. In my example the two directory trees to compare share a common parent, so I run the command in that parent and just use find . to start from the current directory. If yours are in different locations, you can pass both paths to find: find /directory1 /directory2 -type f -printf '%10i %p\n' | sort | uniq -w 11 -d -D | less Show Sample Output

    find . -type f -printf '%10i %p\n' | sort | uniq -w 11 -d -D | less
    dmmst19 · 2020-09-13 22:12:58 413
  • When I go to change a configuration file I always like to make a backup first. You can use "cp -p" to preserve the modification time, but it gets confusing to have file.prev, file.prev2, etc. So I like to add a YYMMDD suffix that shows when the file was last changed. "stat -c %Y" gives you the modification time in epoch seconds, then "date -d @" converts that to whatever format you specify in your "+format" string. Show Sample Output

    cp file file.$(date -d @$(stat -c '%Y' file) "+%y%m%d")
    dmmst19 · 2019-07-18 18:09:09 638
  • Here's a way to wait for a file (a download, a logfile, etc) to stop changing, then do something. As written it will just return to the prompt, but you could add a "; echo DONE" or whatever at the end. This just compares the full output of "ls" every 10 seconds, and keeps going as long as that output has changed since the last interval. If the file is being appended to, the size will change, and if it's being modified without growing, the timestamp from the "--full-time" option will have changed. The output of just "ls -l" isn't sufficient since by default it doesn't show seconds, just minutes. Waiting for a file to stop changing is not a very elegant or reliable way to measure that some process is finished - if you know the process ID there are much better ways. This method will also give a false positive if the changes to the target file are delayed longer than the sleep interval for any reason (network timeouts, etc). But sometimes the process that is writing the file doesn't exit, rather it continues on doing something else, so this approach can be useful if you understand its limitations.

    while [ "$(ls -l --full-time TargetFile)" != "$a" ] ; do a=$(ls -l --full-time TargetFile); sleep 10; done
    dmmst19 · 2015-05-09 03:19:49 11
  • Most people take photos in landscape orientation (wider than it is tall). Sometimes though you turn the camera sideways to capture a narrow/tall subject. Assuming you then manually rotate those picture files 90 degrees for proper viewing on screen or photo frame, you now have a mix of orientations in your photos directory. This command will print out the names of all the photos in the current directory whose vertical resolution is larger than its horizontal resolution (i.e. portrait orientation). You can then take that list of files and deal with them however you need to, like re-rotating back to landscape for consistent printing with all the others. This command requires the "identify" command from the ImageMagick command-line image manipulation suite. Sample output from identify: identify PICT2821.JPG PICT2821.JPG JPEG 1536x2048 1536x2048+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 688KB 0.016u 0:00.006 Show Sample Output

    for i in *; do identify $i | awk '{split($3,a,"x"); if (a[2]>a[1]) print $1;}'; done
    dmmst19 · 2014-05-27 23:41:24 12
  • Sometimes in a script you want to make sure that a directory is in the path, and add it in if it's not already there. In this example, $dir contains the new directory you want to add to the path if it's not already present. There are multiple ways to do this, but this one is a nice clean shell-internal approach. I based it on You can also do it using tr to separate the path into lines and grep -x to look for exact matches, like this: if ! $(echo "$PATH" | tr ":" "\n" | grep -qx "$dir") ; then PATH=$PATH:$dir ; fi which I got from Or replace the "echo | tr" part with a shell parameter expansion, like if ! $(echo "${PATH//:/$'\n'}" | grep -qx "$dir") ; then PATH=$PATH:$dir ; fi which I got from There are also other more regex-y ways to do it, but I find the ones listed here easiest to follow. Note some of this is specific to the bash shell.

    if [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$dir:"* ]]; then PATH=${PATH}:$dir; fi
    dmmst19 · 2013-08-11 01:19:13 20
  • Sometimes when copying files from one place to another, the timestamps get lost. Maybe you forgot to add a flag to preserve timestamps in your copy command. You're sure the files are exactly the same in both locations, but the timestamps of the files in the new home are wrong and you need them to match the source. Using this command, you will get a shell script (/tmp/ than you can move to the new location and just execute - it will change the timestamps on all the files and directories to their previous values. Make sure you're in the right directory when you launch it, otherwise all the touch commands will create new zero-length files with those names. Since find's output includes "." it will also change the timestamp of the current directory. Ideally rsync would be the way to handle this - since it only sends changes by default, there would be relatively little network traffic resulting. But rsync has to read the entire file contents on both sides to be sure no bytes have changed, potentially causing a huge amount of local disk I/O on each side. This could be a problem if your files are large. My approach avoids all the comparison I/O. I've seen comments that rsync with the "--size-only" and "--times" options should do this also, but it didn't seem to do what I wanted in my test. With my approach you can review/edit the output commands before running them, so you can tell exactly what will happen. The "tee" command both displays the output on the screen for your review, AND saves it to the file /tmp/ Credit: got this idea from Stone's answer at, and combined it into one line. Show Sample Output

    find . -printf "touch -m -d \"%t\" '%p'\n" | tee /tmp/
    dmmst19 · 2012-11-05 20:32:05 11
  • This command will bypass checking the host key of the target server against the local known_hosts file. When you SSH to a server whose host key does not match the one stored in your local machine's known_hosts file, you'll get a error like " WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" that indicates a key mismatch. If you know the key has legitimately changed (like the server was reinstalled), a permanent solution is to remove the stored key for that server in known_hosts. However, there are some occasions where you may not want to make the permanent change. For example, you've done some port-forwarding trickery with ssh -R or ssh -L, and are doing ssh user@localhost to connect over the port-forwarding to some other machine (not actually your localhost). Since this is usually temporary, you probably don't want to change the known_hosts file. This command is useful for those situations. Credit: Command found at Further discussion of how it works is there also. Note this is a bit different than command #5307 - with that one you will still be prompted to store the unrecognized key, whereas this one won't prompt you for the key at all.

    ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no username@host
    dmmst19 · 2012-04-20 01:54:04 8
  • I used to use the Firefox "View page info" feature a lot to determine how stale the web page I was looking at was. Now that I use mostly Chrome I miss that feature, so here is a command line alternative using wget. The -S says to display the server response, the --spider says to not download any files/pages, just fetch the header. The output goes to stderr, so to grep it you use 2>&1 to combine the stderr stream with stdout, the pipe that to grep for Last-Modified. You can use curl instead if you have it installed, like this: curl --head -s | grep Mod Show Sample Output

    wget -S --spider 2>&1 | grep Mod
    dmmst19 · 2012-04-18 03:43:33 7
  • When dealing with system resource limits like max number of processes and open files per user, it can be hard to tell exactly what's happening. The /etc/security/limits.conf file defines the ceiling for the values, but not what they currently are, while ulimit -a will show you the current values for your shell, and you can set them for new logins in /etc/profile and/or ~/.bashrc with a command like: ulimit -S -n 100000 >/dev/null 2>&1 But with the variability in when those files get read (login vs any shell startup, interactive vs non-interactive) it can be difficult to know for sure what values apply to processes that are currently running, like database or app servers. Just find the PID via "ps aux | grep programname", then look at that PID's "limits" file in /proc. Then you'll know for sure what actually applies to that process. Show Sample Output

    cat /proc/PID/limits
    dmmst19 · 2011-12-14 16:49:06 8
  • Normally, if you su to another user from root and try to resume that other user's screen session, you will get an error like "Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check." This is because the other user doesn't have permission for root's pty. You can get around this by running a "script" session as the new user, before trying to resume the screen session. Note you will have to execute each of the three commands separately, not all on the same line as shown here. Credit: I found this at

    # su - <user> ; script /dev/null ; screen -r
    dmmst19 · 2011-07-04 16:26:10 8
  • You are probably aware that some percent of disk space on an ext2/ext3 file system is reserved for root (typically 5%). As documented elsewhere this can be reduced to 1% with tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sdX (where X = drive/partition, like /dev/sda1) but how do you check to see what the existing reserved block percentage actually is before making the change? You can find that with dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdX You get a raw block count and reserved block count, from which you can calculate the percentage. In the example here you can easily see that it's currently 1%, so you won't get any more available space by setting it to 1% again. FYI If your disks are IDE instead of SCSI, your filesystems will be /dev/hdX instead of /dev/sdX. Show Sample Output

    dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdX
    dmmst19 · 2011-01-22 23:50:03 6
  • If you are in an environment where you don't have the base64 executable or MIME tools available, this can be very handy for salvaging email attachments when the headers are mangled but the encoded document itself is intact.

    perl -MMIME::Base64 -ne 'print decode_base64($_)' < file.txt > out
    dmmst19 · 2010-12-13 23:35:20 4
  • It's very common to have cron jobs that send emails as their output, but the From: address is whatever account the cron job is running under, which is often not the address you want replies to go to. Here's a way to change the From: address right on the command line. What's happening here is that the "--" separates the options to the mail client from options for the sendmail backend. So the -f and -F get passed through to sendmail and interpreted there. This works on even on a system where postfix is the active mailer - looks like postfix supports the same options. I think it's possible to customize the From: address using mutt as a command line mailer also, but most servers don't have mutt preinstalled.

    mail -s "subject" <emailbody.txt -- -f -F 'From Display Name'
    dmmst19 · 2010-01-18 19:55:27 33

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Check These Out

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

check open ports without netstat or lsof

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Go to the previous sibling directory in alphabetical order
Based on linkinpark342 suggestion. Sometimes you have to browse your way through a lot of sub-directories. This command cd to the previous sub-directory in alphabetical order. For example, if you have the directories "lectures/01-intro", "lectures/02-basic", "lectures/03-advanced" and so on, and your PWD is "02-basic", it jumps to "01-intro".

Use tee + process substitution to split STDOUT to multiple commands
Using process substitution, we can 'trick' tee into sending a command's STDOUT to an arbitrary number of commands. The last command (command4) in this example will get its input from the pipe.

Configure a serial line device so you can evaluate it with a shell script
I had a hard time in finding the correct settings to get reasonable output from a coin selector which sends its data over a serial line. In the end, minicom came to the rescue and pointed me on the right track. So, if you need to do something similar, these settings may help you. Replace ttyUSB0 with your device file, 9600 with your baud rate, 5 with your read timeout (10ths of a second), and 1 with the minimum numbers of characters you want to read. You can then open the device file like you are used to do, example: $ DATA="`xxd -ps -l 5 \"$DEV\"`"

Switch to a user with "nologin" shell
You need sudo privileges for this command. Replace username with actual username.

Randomize lines (opposite of | sort)
Randomizes a file. The opposite of sort is sort -R!

Display a cool clock on your terminal
This command displays a clock on your terminal which updates the time every second. Press Ctrl-C to exit. A couple of variants: A little bit bigger text: $ watch -t -n1 "date +%T|figlet -f big" You can try other figlet fonts, too. Big sideways characters: $ watch -n 1 -t '/usr/games/banner -w 30 $(date +%M:%S)' This requires a particular version of banner and a 40-line terminal or you can adjust the width ("30" here).

Show which programs are listening on TCP and UDP ports
-p Tell me the name of the program and it's PID -l that is listening -u on a UDP port. -n Give me numeric IP addresses (don't resolve them) -t oh, also TCP ports

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