Commands by drerik (3)

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Check These Out

Quick HTML image gallery from folder contents with Perl
This includes a title attribute so you can see the file name by hovering over an image. Also will hoover up any image format - jpg, gif and png.

remove hostname from known_hosts

replace XX by YY in the the current directory and cd to it. ( in ZSH )
If you are in /begin/path/with/XX/pattern cd XX YY will change your current directory to /begin/path/with/YY/pattern in ZSH

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Copy a file using pv and watch its progress
pv allows a user to see the progress of data through a pipeline, by giving information such as time elapsed, percentage completed (with progress bar), current throughput rate, total data transferred, and ETA. (man pv)

Shows cpu load in percent
This version is precise and requires one second to collect statistics. Check sample output for a more generic version and also a remote computer invocation variant. It doesn't work with the busybox version of the 'top' command but can be adjusted

Remove all HTML tags from a file
A shorter version of command #3014, using awk instead of sed. Useful when scraping websites with a script.

Load all files (including in subdirs), whose name matches a substring, into Vim
This command searches the current directory, and all of its subdirs, for files that have the string "foo" in their filename (foo.c, two-foo.txt, index-FOO-bar.php, etc), and opens them in Vim. It ignores any hidden .svn directories. Change -iname to -name if you want to do case-sensitive matches. Files open in buffers by default, so to verify that the correct files were opened, type ":list". You can load all the files in tabs by doing ":tab ball" or use 'vim -p' on the command-line to load files straight to tabs. If you get permission denied errors, do: vim $(find . ! -path \*.svn\* -type -f iname \*foo\* 2>/dev/null) To narrow it down to a single file extension, such as .php files, use \*foo\*.php (or '*foo*.php'. Which ever you prefer)

Concatenate video files to YouTube ready output
Takes two input video files and an external audio track and encodes them together to an MPEG-4 DivX output video file with the correct size ready for uploading.

Perl One Liner to Generate a Random IP Address

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