Commands by edfuh (1)

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Check These Out

Run a program transparently, but print a stack trace if it fails
For automated unit tests I wanted my program to run normally, but if it crashed, to add a stack trace to the output log. I came up with this command so I wouldn't have to mess around with core files. The one downside is that it does smoosh your program's stderr and stdout together.

Check a server is up. If it isn't mail me.
For some reason the 2&>1 does not work for me, but the shorter stdout/stderr redirection >& works perfectly (Ubuntu 10.04).

List all open ports and their owning executables
Particularly useful on OS X where netstat doesn't have -p option.

Change string in many files at once and more.
Find all files that contain string XXX in them, change the string from XXX to YYY, make a backup copy of the file and save a list of files changed in /tmp/fileschanged.

Remove color codes (special characters) with sed
Removes ANSI color and end of line codes to the [{attr1};...;{attrn}m format.

Converts uppercase chars in a string to lowercase
Another alternative is to define a function: lower() { echo ${@,,} } lower StrinG

HDD Performance Write Test
Test your XFS filesystem and Raptor hard drives for write performance.

Continuously show wifi signal strength on a mac
The closer to zero the better.Credit to TheSeb on macrumors:

Set all CPU cores' CPU frequency scaling governor to maximum performance

Get Your IP Geographic Location with curl and jq

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