Commands by erikhansen (0)

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Check These Out

Pipe the result of a command to IRC (channel or query)
$ command | my_irc Pipe whatever you want to this function, it will, if everything goes well, be redirected to a channel or a user on an IRC server. Please note that : - I am not responsible of flood excesses you might provoke. - that function does not reply to PINGs from the server. That's the reason why I first write in a temporary file. Indeed, I don't want to wait for inputs while being connected to the server. However, according to the configuration of the server and the length of your file, you may timeout before finishing. - Concerning the server, the variable content must be on the form " 6667" (or any other port). If you want to make some tests, you can also create a fake IRC server on "localhost 55555" by using $ netcat -l -p 55555 - Concerning the target, you can choose a channel (beginning with a '#' like "#chan") or a user (like "user") - The other variables have obvious names.

Show biggest files/directories, biggest first with 'k,m,g' eyecandy
I use this on debian testing, works like the other sorted du variants, but i like small numbers and suffixes :)

Check whether laptop is running on battery or cable

List process in unkillable state D (iowait)

check open ports without netstat or lsof

convert a web page into a pdf
This uses the "command-line print" plugin for Firefox ( This same plugin can also produce PNGs. On *nix, the file must exist; therefore the touch bit in front. Also, firefox seems to ignore saved user preferences when "printing" this way (margins, header, footer, etc.), so I had to tweak my ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default/prefs.js file by hand. Yup, that's *prefs.js* not user.js - apparently, firefox ignores my user.js file too...

Find Duplicate Files (based on size first, then MD5 hash)
for OS X

Show Directories in the PATH Which does NOT Exist

All what exists in dir B and not in dir A will be copied from dir B to new or existing dir C
Assumed dir A, B, C are subdirs of the current dir Exact syntax of the command is: rsync -v -r --size-only --compare-dest=/path_to_A/A/ /path_to_B/B/ /path_to_C/C/ (do not omit end-slashes, since that would copy only the names and not the contents of subdirs of dir B to dir C) You can replace --size-only with --checksum for more thorough file differences validation Useful switch: -n, --dry-run perform a trial run with no changes made

Show git branches by date - useful for showing active branches

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