Commands by gg (2)

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Detach a process from the current shell
ignore HUP interruptions

Displays user-defined ps output and pidstat output about the top CPU or MEMory users.
It grabs the PID's top resource users with $(ps -eo pid,pmem,pcpu| sort -k 3 -r|grep -v PID|head -10) The sort -k is sorting by the third field which would be CPU. Change this to 2 and it will sort accordingly. The rest of the command is just using diff to display the output of 2 commands side-by-side (-y flag) I chose some good ones for ps. pidstat comes with the sysstat package(sar, mpstat, iostat, pidstat) so if you don't have it, you should. I might should take off the timestamp... :|

run command on a group of nodes in parallel
Parallel is from Other examples would be: (echo; echo; echo | parallel traceroute seq -f %04g 0 9999 | parallel -X rm pict{}.jpg

Resize an image to at least a specific resolution
This command will resize an image (keeping the aspect ratio) to a specific resolution, meaning the resulting image will never be smaller than this resolution. For example, if we have a 2048x1000 image, the output would be 1229x600, not 1024x600 or 1024x500. Same thing for the height, if the image is 2000x1200, the output would be 1024x614.

uniq for unsorted data

enable all bash completions in gentoo

List docker volumes by container

Ergo browsing 'pacman' queries (Arch)
Alternative1 (grep support): pacman -Ss python | paste - - | grep --color=always -e '/python' | less -R Alternative2 (eye-candy, no grep): pacman --color=always -Ss "python" | paste - - | less -R in ~/.bashrc: pkg-grep() { pacman -Ss "$1" | paste - - | grep --color=always -e "${2:-$1}" | less -R ; } pkg-search() { pacman --color=always -Ss "python" | paste - - | less -R; }

Take screenshot through SSH
When connected to a box via ssh you can do a quick screenshot of that box using this command. After that you can rscp it over to your box and look at it.

extract content of a Debian package

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