Commands by guillaume (2)

What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Create .pdf from .doc
sudo apt-get install cups-pdf

Convert text to uppercase
Usage: upper [STRING]...

Check reverse DNS
I'm just a simple programmer. I find dig too verbose. host tells me alias(es) and IP address in a quick to grok format with nothing special to remember for input parameters. With thanks to

Save a file you edited in vim without the needed permissions - (Open)solaris version with RBAC

List docker volumes by container

ls -hog --> a more compact ls -l
I often deal with long file names and the 'ls -l' command leaves very little room for file names. An alternative is to use the -h -o and -g flags (or together, -hog). * The -h flag produces human-readable file size (e.g. 91K instead of 92728) * The -o suppresses the owner column * The -g suppresses the group column Since I use to alias ll='ls -l', I now do alias ll='ls -hog'

Check for Firewall Blockage.
This is just one method of checking to see if an IP is blocked via IP tables or CSF. Simple and to the point. Replace xx.xx.xx.xx with the IP you wish to check.

Substitute spaces in filename with underscore
Substitute spaces in filename with underscore, it work on the first space encountered.

Check the status of a network interface

Quickly create an alias for changing into the current directory
Put the function in your .bashrc and use "map [alias]" to create the alias you want. Just be careful to not override an existing alias.

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