Commands by henrygaunt (0)

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Check These Out

move up through directories faster (set in your /etc/profile or .bash_profile)
Usage: $ up N I did not like two things in the submitted commands and fixed it here: 1) If I do cd - afterwards, I want to go back to the directory I've been before 2) If I call up without argument, I expect to go up one level It is sad, that I need eval (at least in bash), but I think it's safe here. eval is required, because in bash brace expansion happens before variable substitution, see

Kill all processes belonging to a user

Monitor Linux/MD RAID Rebuild

Remove all leading and trailing spaces or tabs from all lines of a text file
Bash only, no sed, no awk. Multiple spaces/tabs if exists INSIDE the line will be preserved. Empty lines stay intact, except they will be cleaned from spaces and tabs if any available.

A snooze button for xmms2 alarm clock
you can also run "xmms2 pause & at now +5min

Find broken symlinks
To understand why this is the equivalent of "find -L /path/to/search -type l, see or look at

UPS Tracking Script

Show demo of toilet fonts
Lists a sample of all installed toilet fonts

Perl oneliner to print access rights in octal format
This prints file access rights in octal - useful when "stat" is unavailable.

Get memory total from /proc/meminfo in Gigs

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