Commands by holalluis (0)

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Check These Out

Open Port Check
also could specify port number: lsof -ni TCP:80

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Binary clock
displays current time in "binary clock" format (loosely) inspired by: "Decoding": 8421 .... - 1st hour digit: 0 *..* - 2nd hour digit: 9 (8+1) .*.. - 1st minutes digit: 4 *..* - 2nd minutes digit: 9 (8+1) Prompt-command version: PROMPT_COMMAND='echo "10 i 2 o $(date +"%H%M"|cut -b 1,2,3,4 --output-delimiter=" ") f"|dc|tac|xargs printf "%04d\n"|tr "01" ".*"'

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

Check if your webserver supports gzip compression with curl

Search through files, ignoring .svn

scping files with streamlines compression (tar gzip)
it compresses the files and folders to stdout, secure copies it to the server's stdin and runs tar there to extract the input and output to whatever destination using -C. if you emit "-C /destination", it will extract it to the home folder of the user, much like `scp file user@server:`. the "v" in the tar command can be removed for no verbosity.

Detect illegal access to kernel space, potentially useful for Meltdown detection
Based on capsule8 agent examples, not rigorously tested

Erase to factory a pendrive, disk or memory card, and watch the progress

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